Learn the easiest way in the world to play from a piano fakebook!

Have you ever dreamed of being able to instantly play any song of your choice on the piano?
FACT: By using Fake book technique, which is what all the pros use from Elton John to Billy Joel to Ben Folds to Norah Jones, etc., you can in fact 100 times easier than via sheet music
Here's some facts about fakebooks!
1. A single sheet music song in a music store or online goes from anywhere like $4.95-$8.95 per song.
2. A fake book typically contains hundreds, sometimes even thousands of songs all in one book.
Therefore, the average song will cost typically pennies per song instead of $7, $8, $9 per song as with sheet music!
3. 99% of all professional pop/rock/jazz/blues/country pianisist Do NOT USE "NOTE FOR NOTE, SHEET MUSIC" when they either write a song or perform it. Instead, they all use the lead sheet format which is what I teach here in this course.
4. FAKE BOOK = A fake book is simply a collection of songs in "lead sheet" format, not note-for-note sheet music fashion as we see in classical music.
5. While there are "general topic" fakebooks like "The Ultimate Fakebook" which contains show tunes, rock tunes, standards, etc., most fake book are by category such as Classic Rock songs, Broadway songs, Gospel songs, etc. (See homepage chart on page one at the bottom of page.
With easy, step-by-step course, you'll learn . . .
***What are the 4 major ways to play from a fakebook on piano?
***How to learn every chord from a fakebook lead sheet.
***Why you may have failed before when attempting to play songs from a fakebook and how to fix it!
***What are the best fakebooks to get?
***What fakebook songs should you positively, absolutely learn?
*** Have you ever bought one of those "How to play piano from a fakebook" books and you ended up not having a clue? I'll show you why they don't work!
*** Have you always wished you could be able to play all those great songs in a fakebook you saw a the store?
***Do you want an easy, yet professional method to learn fakebook style?
*** This method .... BELIEVE ME Please! Works Works Works!!
I know, it's the way I learned!!
With this complete course you get . . .
1)300 Piano Picture Chords! Virtually every piano chord you'll ever need for every fakebook
2)An audio cd outlining everything you need to get you started playing piano songs from any fakebook!
3)Written notes that outline all the basic steps you need to go through to play your fakebook songs and make them sound great!
4)Many song examples from a lead sheet to get you started!
So Click button below to grab your copy of the best Fakebook course on the planet!
only $49.99 !!
(plus $6.95 s&h)